
a new year, a new presidency, and yet no new placebo club news LMAO. we got a new domain though so that's nice. production has been slow and steady with minor improvements, major rewrites, and some shifts in our time goals. but rest assured, there will be music this year and singles will come soon. trust the process - june


woooo!!!!!!!!!!!! all of the songs have been written and we are in the stage of production. incredibly unlikely for a 2024 release date, lot of stuff happened in between may and now but progress has been slow and steady. wish me luck in finishing this record lol - june


been a month since the last udpate but things are going well! wrapping up more songs and working on getting things ready for live performances. highly doubt we'll be able to release soooon but it should be done not too far in the future - june


LP update!!! about half of the tracks have reference tracks recorded and the rest are well on the way to complete. singles will come out soon and yeah we're just hoping you all fw it :) - june

5/26/24, pt. 2: new logo as i cannot legally use the old one without incurring the wrath of MCKL Inc. - june


hello! this is more so a test post to see how this will look like on the site. i'll try to update this section with wherever we're playing/new music updates/whatever. feel free to pop in and see what we're up to :) - june